Saturday, May 23, 2009

Torta di Cioccolato

Eeeek!! Okays so lots has gone on and I don't even know what to write about hence the lateness of this post.. uhmmm... today I will be packing up my bags for my Road Trip Adventure #2 with Esp which will begin tomorrow.. ?!!!$%#(*^%#@^*^*(@#!!#+$$%?? ? no that was not a bad word. Just that I didn't know how to spell my inner girl squeal hahaha 

So I'm done with school. I loved my Italian class finale haha I hope I did okays on the exam but afterwards we had a little partito dopo l'esame... potluck. So peoples brought delicious treats like chocolate cake [torta di cioccolato] cookies [biscotti] bravo's pizza.. bread and cheese [pane e formaggio] melon wrapped in prosciutto.. which was actually really good. && I made some pasta which I was a little upset about because after the hour drive to school I had the pot wrapped in foil and towels to keep it warm supposedly but it was of course cool by then and the sauce had kinda dried out but ehh I think it was okay and slightly enjoyable haha I've made better.

I'm not sick anymore!! After like almost forever and a half of random pains, horrid headaches,  eye infections.. supposed deadly flu.. and lots of NyQuil DayQuil Hurry-Up-&-HealQuil.. I can hopefully say I am cured. for now. I hope. but anyway now I'm like super paranoid about everything. I cant touch my eyes, I was my hands a lot, I hold my breath to not breathe in germs of peoples around me hahaha, uhhh I carry all my medicines I might possibly need like the Quils, Pepto, Excedrin, Midol, Lactaid, etc. So if you're in need of a little aid I might have the help haha.

Oh I've been playing around with my makeup lately.. sometimes it turns out okay and other times its super hello!! extreme and then there's the ewww I look gross kind and finally the I actually love this look. I got ByLaurenLuke 's My Luscious Greens kit and I love it. My family and peoples have claimed it to be a bit too much but I love wearing it with my uniform haha!

 Its just so bright and vibrant it makes me look happy rather than- omg there's nothing to do I'm so bored and why the hell is it hella foggy- the way I really feel haha. Oh and I have like a buhjillion nail polishes too! Here's a sample of some of my collection with very similar colors haha! 

On Wednesday I had a little flashback day. I hung out with my high school friend Jasmine which I hadn't seen since like October 2007ish.. I spent a few hours with her just catching up and talking about randomness and I even saw a few more peoples who went to my high school.. 
like I always say.. Fairfield is the land where peoples get stuck there doing the same thing over and over. Nothing and no one ever really changes. Well thats my view. Because after high school some people are still doing the same thing its like they're frozen in Toys R Us state where they dont wanna grow up. Well enough on that.. Afterwards I went to my high school for the Music Concert. I saw my old choir muffin, Amanda which I hadn't seen since Graduation!! 

Well gahh! I gotta go and finish getting my stuffs ready!  Be back later laters!! 
I actually forgot to post this before leaving but here it is! Working on the Trip post right now!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Berry Berry Kix!

Monday. Sighhh... I woke up yesterday morning with a full on cold.. or flu. whatever you call it! but yeahhh I had a sore throat on Saturday and Sunday but I just thought it was because of my horrible singing in my car.. but yeahhh now, Tuesday and I'm still all ugly voiced.. cougholofugus.. ??.. and ew yeah. No more gross deets. haha At least I have reunited with my long lost fave cereal Berry Berry Kix which I found at Grocery Outlet.. gee i love that store!! What a lovely breakfast huh?.. hahaha

Hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day! Mine was pretty good. The fam and I went shopping at the Outlets then we hopped over to BJ's to eat but hell no it was over and hour wait so we went across the parking lot to TGI Fridays.. I had never been there but it was really good! Even though my mom was saying that she heard someone had a snake head in their meal at Fridays somewhere in NY but whatever. The Jack Daniels whatever sauce with the shrimp and meat yum yum. Thennn our full fatty selves scurried over to Coldstone for like a 25 minute wait for yummy ice cream that miraculously for the first time didn't affect my lactose intolerance.. hmm. But overall Mother's Day + Mother's Cookies was a great-tastic day. 

So anyway I haven't been reading my Breaking Dawn all weekend.. gasp! hahaha i dont know why but somehow I forgot it. && During my boring dull moments in life I felt strange not having it with me to catch up! Well I did pick it up again today. I'm at the part where Charlie goes to the Cullen House. Thats all I'm sayin.. hahahaha But yeahhh this is me trying to pretend to read.. hence the crooked eyes.. or maybe just pink eye side effects!! 

Anyway. [I say that a lot!!] Today has been a pleasantly warm day. I've been coughin up a storm everywhere but at least its not cold and windy like san francisco was last night when I got out of class.. So today I went to the Doctor with my Grandma and Aunt for my Grandma's Check ups and like at the front desk they said that if I had flu symptoms to please wear a mask. So of course I'm sick.. I had to wear a mask! Hideous and embarrassing. Here's me still wearing the mask later when I went to pick up my brother at school. It was funny to see the reactions of high school passer by peoples.. haha! 

Well off to another cold and windy adventure in sf. Well not really just Government class.. errrgggg!! Just one more week and its all over!! Summertime!! Hopefully I have another exciting story to tell.. 

Love, MJ

Friday, May 8, 2009

Watermelon, Grapes, Apples & Bananas

Okay so Esp and I were up late talking about our trip after watching Vertigo and Ranger Ron gave us some maps of Oregon and Washington and some advice of which roads are nice.. where to eat oysters.. and where to get a ferry into Victoria so we might sneak our way up to Canada but not Vancouver.. boo hoo that's a bit too far.. but anyway.. yeah I just made a draft itineraryish map thingy on google and it will take forever and a half but it'll be awesome! So yeah check it out! The trip winds the long way up to Forks but eh we get to visit a bunch of Lighthouses which we totally love and have our USLSS Passports ready to be stamped! Eeek! I can't wait!

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Fruits. So I was at the front desk here at the Marin Headlands Visitor Center and a big group of kids came in wanting to become Junior Rangers. So after they completed their booklets I swore em all in and I had a little flashback moment if my days at Grand Canyon. sighhh.. but anyway afterwards they went outside and had their lunch and like one of the chaperones came back and gave me a bunch of left over fruit they didnt want to throw away so that was nice. I've got enough fruit to put up a mini Jamba Juice stand hahaha.. so smoothies for later!!

Well I've gotta go on with my Rangerin'.. I wanna go outside its a beautiful day finally!

Love, MJ

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