Who's the Silly Muffin?

Sweetly hilarious twenty three years young girly girl. Always laughing at everything. Nearly everything I own is pink.. you can say it's my favorite color. Superlicious imagination and short attention span. Totally random that it's beyond random. Ocd: blowing in straws before using them.. can't stand how those people at Jamba Juice slam the straws in my smoothies without my consent! Loves most things 'cool' people say they hate. So what if I like sparkly vampires & the Spice Girls? I have dreams of visiting as many of our national parks possible, getting married, learning to master an instrument, making my own dress and remodeling my home. I like to pretend I have an audience and tell my life's random, fun, embarrassing, funny moments and blessings. I'm an ironical environmentalist. Love shopping, make up, nail polish and all that self conscious consumerist stuffs.. I'm a Park Ranger at Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Schooled in San Francisco. Home is by the Jelly Belly factory. Born & raised in the city by the bay. 

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