Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sick. Sick. Sick.

Cue in that old Queens of the Stone Age song. haha. Anyway I'm sure that song has another meaning but what I'm going through right now is the typical case of human immune system failing to environmental contracted viruses!
Yes, I am sick. It happens once or twice a year. Otherwise I'm usually bragging about my strange immunity while others that surround me are sick with a cold or whatever quite often.

It started as a tickled throat on Friday night to a full on sore throat and funky voice on Saturday and full on sick after I woke up on Sunday evening after my post-pascual sleep.
Today, Tuesday I am at the srsly full sick mode with the gross cough that repels any living thing, makes those cringe at the store or in class, I've finished a roll of toilet paper to plug up my nose, Robitussin has lost its effect, and I have not the slightest feeling to do anything but be lazy. Oh never mind that last one, I'm always lazy.. ugh!
Anyway I still managed to leave the house to take and pick up the brother from school, sneak in a stop at Sally Beauty for their buy two get one free polishes and their $5.99 Seche Vite top coat sale. I ended up getting Two China Glaze Crackle polishes- the white and grey ones and Orly Dazzle since my only other silver non holo glitter polish (Mac's $$$$$ Yes) has gotten gross despite the little help from Orly's polish saver fluid thing and it's currently no where to be found. Oh well.
I'll try posting more about my polish hobby laters. For I must collapse into bed instead of the floor, couch, kitchen, etc. It freaks my dogs out when that happens.

1 comment:

Sewingadicta said...

I hope you get well very soon to return to enjoy your blog.

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